Our Dock Street Salon welcomes a trio of poets: Jodie Hollander, visiting from Colorado, along with two Seattle poets, Martha Silano and Montreux Rotholtz. Hollander has twice appeared in Best Australian Poetry and her first full-length collection, My Dark Horses, was just published by Liverpool University Press. Silano has published four collections, most recently Reckless Lovely, has appeared in Best American Poetry, and is the poetry editor of Crab Creek Review. Rotholtz has published in Boston Review, Fence, and elsewhere, and her first collection, Unmark, was selected by Mary Szybist as the winner of the 2015 Burnside Review Press Book Award and will be published this fall. We think it will be a great night!
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Earlier Event: October 26
Jarret Middleton, Darkansas
Later Event: November 10
Dock Street Salon: Greg Vandy, 26 Songs in 30 Days